Monday, August 22, 2011

Where does time go??

Today chloe is 20 weeks old. I feel like we just got home from the hospital a month ago! But this little girl has been such a delight to raise so far. :)
Nothing much to blog about.. Just wanted to write some current events for those who follow me.
A few weeks ago jordan and I talked about getting a dog. We checked it a little pet adoption event and came home with mocha. A beautiful, fun loving pitt... But the temprement of pits is aggressive. :( she did bite me and she attacked another dog.. So she was quickly returned. Jordan kept looking and fell across this cute pre show Uk boxer. Jackson is beautiful. So we went and picked him up yesterday. He is so sweet! Loves chloe, house trained, no barking, no shedding (yay), and just a good dog.
Jordan is recovering well and he is getting back into shape. He returned to work last week and its been quite an adjustment for him. But he'll get back into the routine.
Just a little update on our family. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm quite relieved...he was a pretty dog though. So it's true...looks isn't everything, not even in dogs.
