Thursday, February 24, 2011

Change of plans.

Went to get an ultrasound done yesterday. Some exciting news!! Due date got pushed up to April 13! I'm excited, and it makes things a little easier. Knowing she will be coming earlier rather than later is nice to know, since Jordans graduation is on the 15. Doctor said everything looked great! She is about 4.8 pounds, and is very healthy. He got a good picture of her face yesterday (will show once i scan them in). She has just this little chubby face!! I'm so excited to finally meet this little one! Her movement has been the highlights of my day (except when i get soker kicked in the ribcage). Knowing i have a living child in me is just amazing to me, and i have already fallen in love with her. She is going to be so cute and i cant wait till she is finally here!
Jordan is being such a good support to us. Although i cant see him very often, when i do go see him he is such a great dad. :) Cannot wait to see the two interact. Just a quick update.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Proved me wrong!

Lets go back to about 5 days ago, i had to go to the Naval Hospital on Camp Pendleton to start seeing an OB doctor. So i went to go talk to the about what i had to do. VERY stressful atmosphere.. So i go and i'm filling out tons of paperwork, turn it in and the nurse tells me i need to go confirm my pregnancy. Uhmm.. HELLO!! I'm already showing (a lot actually)!! So i go to where i need to, the nurse hands me a cup and tells me i need to do a pregnancy test.. wow. So i did. Lets just say i think that was a waste of time, and of a test. So i get my appointment and classes set up.

I was thinkin yesterday as i went to the Naval hospital (as directed by the nurses), 'I'm excited for my first baby class since i havent been to one. I wonder how many girls will be there..etc' I walk in and get my file all put together since i transfered from a civilian doctor. File is all ready and i'm waiting for the class to start, when you see women in their cami uniform you wouldnt be able to know if they were pregnant or not. So i'm thinkin okay a few women, this should be nice, be able to meet some cool people. As the nurse calls for the class a TON of girls stand up.. hmm.. so i just follow them and get into the room and wait. (I look huge to some of these women, and some i couldnt tell, so i was waiting to see if they'd split us up) So were waiting forever, and finally a nurse comes in and starts the class. All of these girls had just found out they were pregnant! Long story short, i sat through a class that i already knew everything about.

You'd think that being a military run hospital it would be organized, and very military style. NOPE!!
Oh, got pulled out into the hall by a nurse, she told me that my pregnancy test had come back positive. I just laughed and said thank you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is how life goes..

I'm thinkin get married, go to Cali, have a baby. Easy right? WRONG! Listed above are some of our favorite people right now.. NOT!! I know all of you that read my blog are going to say "Duah! Welcome to life on your own" Alright, but i didnt know.. This is new for me. Paying bills every month is so not fun. Out here in Cali where everything is super overpriced its hard to really go out.. But every day i thank the man upstair for the United States Marine Corps and my wonderful husband who is working hard for us to live.

Speaking of Jordan i'll kinda let you in on his status right now, promoted to Prive First Class about 3 weeks ago! YAY!! Currently more than half way through his Amphibious Assault Vehicle Technician school. (intense sounding) And gets to see little wifie and unborn Chloe on weekends. He works very hard and is doing so well in school. Very proud of him.

News on moving!! Right now Jordan is telling me that there is about an 85% chance of us living on the East coast, in North Carolina. 10% chance of us living here in San Diego, 5% chance of living in 29 Palms... Here they call it 29 reasons to commit suicide... Not sure i wanna go there. With us living on the East coast there is a less likely chance of Jordan being deployed so fast. Although with turning on the news and seeing all the chaos in the world, i feel he will be called to do whatever he can.

Just a little update :) more after first doctors visit hopefully sometime this week...
Thank you to the...